One day in our garden,
while searching the broccoli for those terribly annoying, velvety green cabbage worms,
So we gave them lots of dill and parsley from the garden, once we learned they were black swallowtail caterpillars, which they ate faster than my kids scarf down pizza, which was very impressive. And they pooped an exceptional amount. Which was a little gross, but also impressive.
And then they did this:
And they didn't eat. And they didn't even move. And I hoped this was all a part of the process. Its was. Because they next thing I knew they were doing THIS:
It was amazing. So I filmed it.
In case the above video doesn't work, I also uploaded it to youtube.
I know. AMAZING!!!
After a week or so I awoke to this beautiful fella.
After exploring my bedroom and tickling my arm (they are very friendly when they first emerge) we set him outside to enjoy life in the beautiful gardens of Pittsburgh!
Soon after the next guy came out and we gave him the same fare thee well.
And thus ends our journey!